Saturday 26 April 2014

Book Progress

To begin creating the final book cover I decided to use a paper texture as the main background to try and include a journal style to my book. I then gathered a map which I would then use a the main image as this links to the main theme, travelling.

I then scanned in the stamps I had drawn and I started to layer them. After I had a few stamps on the front cover I started to design the label which the title would appear on for both the spine and the front cover.

After creating the label I started to add more stamps, this time to both the front and back covers. I then decided to use a postcard so that I could put the description of the book on. I then had an idea of drawing a route out which would again link to the theme travelling and would stop the back cover from being too plain. I then started to think about the institutional information such as the publisher. 

At this point I have created the title label by including the text and finished off inserting the institutional information. 

This shows that I then decided to create the jacket for the inside of the book which involved me inserting text and an image of the author. It also shows that I have included an illustration of the statue of liberty and copied the route drawing on to the front cover as I felt there was something missing from the front cover. Note that I haven't made the title for the front cover as I felt that the label which appears on the spine wasn't suitable due to the text I used. 

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