Saturday 26 April 2014

Final Book Cover

This shows the final book cover. This shows that it has been changed since the book progress post such as changing the label and font for the title which appears on the front cover and the spine. Overall I think the book cover turned out relatively good however I'm still not entirely satisfied with the label and the font for the the title as I don't feel that it stands out as well as it should. Therefore if there was any improvements to be made then this would be one of them. 

Book Progress

To begin creating the final book cover I decided to use a paper texture as the main background to try and include a journal style to my book. I then gathered a map which I would then use a the main image as this links to the main theme, travelling.

I then scanned in the stamps I had drawn and I started to layer them. After I had a few stamps on the front cover I started to design the label which the title would appear on for both the spine and the front cover.

After creating the label I started to add more stamps, this time to both the front and back covers. I then decided to use a postcard so that I could put the description of the book on. I then had an idea of drawing a route out which would again link to the theme travelling and would stop the back cover from being too plain. I then started to think about the institutional information such as the publisher. 

At this point I have created the title label by including the text and finished off inserting the institutional information. 

This shows that I then decided to create the jacket for the inside of the book which involved me inserting text and an image of the author. It also shows that I have included an illustration of the statue of liberty and copied the route drawing on to the front cover as I felt there was something missing from the front cover. Note that I haven't made the title for the front cover as I felt that the label which appears on the spine wasn't suitable due to the text I used. 

Friday 25 April 2014

Final Draft

After creating several different drafts I created a final draft which shows exactly how my final piece will turn out. 

Digital Type

This shows that I have researched different types in order to widen the types which I could possibly use for the final piece. I have annotated which types would be appropriate and which wouldn't according to the theme.

Thursday 24 April 2014


This is an emulation of the Treasure Island copy however this didn't work as well due to the lack of elements appearing on the book. For this to work successfully I feel that the cover would need more elements for it to work. Therefore if I was to do this again i would plan it out more to the style before attempting to create the emulation.

Wednesday 23 April 2014

Copy 2 - Digital Version

This shows the comparison of my copy and the original version by Jim Tierney. 

My version
